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TriHealth Corporate Health

Archived Trainings

Past Seminars

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Setting and Keeping Boundaries: Where to Draw the Line

Boundaries are the invisible lines that tell others what is acceptable and what is not. Healthy boundaries can improve mood, resilience, relationships, and time management. Without boundaries, we are left feeling misunderstood, taken advantage of, and even unloved. Explore the various types and benefits of good boundaries and get practical tips for setting boundaries in your own life.

Preventing Burnout at Work and Home

Everyone experiences stress at work and at home in various ways. At times we manage that stress well and other times we do not. Feelings of chronic stress left unmanaged can lead to feelings of burnout. In this presentation, you will learn what burn out is, how to assess yourself for potential burnout, and discover tools to prevent and/or recover from burnout.

Managing Holiday Stress & Grief: A Multi-Faith Perspective

Grief and loss often are felt strongly during the holidays, as families and relationships change or loved ones pass away. Faith is one resource that helps people cope with these experiences. Join us as we consider how faith and psychology together can help us manage holiday stress, grief and loss.

Understanding Depression

Chances are that someone you know has experienced or is experiencing an episode of depression, the most common form of mental illness. This session will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and better understand how it differs from sadness. We will explore helpful tools for managing depression, the most effective treatments available and how to help someone who might be depressed.

Healthy Relationships at Work & Home

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, from our spouses and significant others, to our friends and our co-workers. They sustain us, they support us, and often they contribute strongly to who we are. The better we understand relationships, the better we can strengthen them. This presentation explores the qualities of good relationships and how to improve our professional and personal relationships.

Worklife Balance

Achieving balance in life is not easy. The demands of our lives often seem to exceed our available time and energy. In this presentation, we will explore factors that contribute to imbalance, learn how to set priorities and stick with them, and develop self-care strategies for finding and maintaining a balance in our life. 

Mindfulness for Stress Management

In this presentation, learn the effects of stress on physical and emotional wellbeing, and identify how being more mindful can reduce the effects of short term and chronic stress. This session includes an opportunity to relax and unwind as you practice a guided meditation to experience first-hand how mindfulness can benefit you.

Being Your Best Self

Goals are great, but we need to know how to reach them. In this presentation, we will explore values, strengths, and passions, as well as learn tips to increase motivation, organize time, and change habits to support the goals that are most important to us.

Winter Resiliency

Shorter days, less sunlight, colder weather, snow emergencies and "cabin fever", are all part of winter. This presentation will focus on the qualities of winter that can make it a difficult time, educate regarding the difference between typical "winter blues" and the more serious Season Affective Disorder, and discuss ways to cope with winter's effects. 

Coping with Change

Life has always involved change, but this year brought us unprecedented challenges.  Change is often positive and brings us new and exciting opportunities.  Yet change can also come with loss, grief, and disappointment.  Explore the challenges of managing change in our personal and work lives and discuss strategies to help us thrive and cope effectively with change.

Positive Psychology

In the past, psychology focused on helping people alleviate negative emotions, such as depression, grief or anxiety. Positive psychology focuses on helping people boost a positive emotion, called happiness. This training explores what makes us happy, describing qualities that help people feel happy and methods for establishing and developing those qualities. 

What, Me Worry?

COVID-19 has brought new precautions and unfortunately an increased tendency to worry. Worry itself is a normal and healthy coping mechanism but too much can make us overwrought, sleepless, and unhappy. This training focuses on describing the difference between productive and unproductive worry and outlining strategies on how to worry less and enjoy life more even in the age of COVID.

Verbal De-escalation Strategies

Providing exceptional customer service can be challenging as we strive to meet the wants and needs of the individual being served. What do you do when you are challenged with a person who is upset, angry, and out of control? When faced with this behavior, primal instincts may activate which can lead to lashing out in an inappropriate manner, running from the conflict, or feeling helpless and unable to respond.  This training can help you learn and master a more effective response through the use of Verbal De-escalation Strategies. Training participants will feel empowered in their abilities as they learn to utilize targeted communication and engagement techniques that are designed to defuse conflicts and reduce agitation of escalated persons in an effort to increase safety and generate positive outcomes.

Generational Differences in the Workplace

This is the first time in history that we have 5 generations in the workplace.  And while each employee is very unique, many people of the same generation share similar values, communication styles, and comfort with change and technology.  Therefore, this training focuses on:

  • Identify the five generations now in the workplace
  • Identifying the characteristics unique to each generation
  • Discuss strategies to come to an understanding, and be able to work within generations in a cooperative and productive way
Building Emotional Well-Being

    A good sense of wellbeing encompasses all aspects of our lives, including our sense of purpose, our social well-being, our financial security, a positive sense of community and good physical and emotional health.  And emotions play a strong role in each aspect. This training will focus on each aspect of well-being, and on practical steps we can all take to enrich our emotional well-being in each area.  


    Resilience is the ability to “adapt” and “bounce back” in times of stress and challenge.  It helps us through difficult times, and gives us a greater satisfaction with life, and a stronger set of skills to help us achieve our personal goals.  In this training, we will define resilience and its positive effects, and describe how each of us can increase our own resilience.

    Conflict Management for Leaders

    It is impossible to interact with others without disagreements or differences of opinion on occasion. Conflict is natural part of the workplace. When managed well, conflict often can be a means to arriving at better solutions and lead to improved working relationships. This training is designed to help managers and supervisors understand common causes of conflicts and lead to resolution of workplace conflict in a healthy way.

    Strengths-Based Leadership

    • Explore leadership from a strengths-based perspective
    • Examine why people choose to follow a leader
    • Discuss the 3 keys to be a more effective leader