Welcome to the EMS Education Center! As EMS Coordinators, we are your liaisons between your EMS agency and the TriHealth hospitals. Contact us with questions, patient follow-ups, and requests for continuing education (CEUs).
Dawn Bloemer, Good Samaritan & Western Ridge
Cell: (859) 801-8526
Debra Walker, Bethesda North & Arrow Springs
Cell: (513) 207-4224
Shane Owens, Bethesda Butler & McCullough-Hyde Memorial
Cell: (513) 939-7633
TriHealth is offering Neuroscience, Cardiac and Trauma education classes for EMS providers to stay up-to-date on current and upcoming care of patients such as stroke, myocardial infarctions, blunt force trauma, etc. Classes will focus on recognition, assessment skills, and treatment options to provide excellent research-based care for patients from home to hospital.
Classes are streamed live via Teams (free to download) using the link HERE. EMS CE hours are provided.
2025 Schedule (Subject to change)
Thursday, February 6 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, March 6 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, April 3 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, May 1 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, June 5 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, August 1 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, September 5 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, October 3 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, November 7 at 1 p.m.
Thursday, December 5 at 1 p.m.
If you would like follow-up information on a patient that you brought to the ED at one of our TriHealth Hospitals, please fill out this EMS Follow-Up Request Form.
TriHealth has an experienced team of nurses and clinicians at each hospital ready to provide the required clinical rotation to EMS students.
Hospital Resources |
Clinicals Available |
Bethesda Arrow Springs Hospital |
Emergency Department |
Bethesda Butler Hospital |
Emergency Department |
Bethesda North Hospital |
Emergency Department |
Good Samaritan Hospital |
Emergency Department Labor & Delivery Behavioral Health |
McCullough-Hyde Hospital |
Not Available |
Good Samaritan Western Ridge |
Emergency Department |
To Sign Up for EMS Clinical Rotations:
Contact Debra Walker – EMS Coordinator
Text the following number: (513) 207-4224
Text the following information:
Welcome to TriHealth’s EMS Clinical Rotation. We are happy to serve your needs as an EMS Provider. Before you attend one of our hospitals, there are requirements you must complete.
To access the requirements, go to Student Resources and follow the instructions: Quick Link >>https://bridge.trihealth.com/public/elearning/student-resources
Follow the instructions through the Student Resources Page (https://bridge.trihealth.com/public/elearning/student-resources) and complete the following:
1. Confirm your school has an existing student affiliation agreement and certificate of insurance (COI) with TriHealth.
2. Watch TriHealth’s orientation videos.
3. Complete all learning modules listed (you do NOT need to complete the nursing modules).
4. Print your “Student Orientation Attestation” (https://apps.trihealth.com/elearning/student-orientation-attestation/story.html) and give to your school
5. Print certificates from learning modules
a. Provide a copy to school AND
b. Provide a copy to Protective Services when picking up your TriHealth badge
6. Ensure you have needed vaccinations
7. Obtain your TriHealth ID badge by scheduling with the Protective Services Department in Norwood no later than 4 business days prior to your start date
Again, all of the instructions can be found on the Student Resources Page (https://bridge.trihealth.com/public/elearning/student-resources).
TriHealth requires a certain “uniform” to be worn to identify you as a student:
Shirt |
Pants |
Shoes |
Belt |
ID |
We understand that emergencies occur, however, more than a 24-hour notification of a cancellation is expected so that the respective department can be notified and others can schedule if needed.
In the event that a student needs to cancel a scheduled shift at a TriHealth facility, the student must take the following steps:
Contact Debra Walker – EMS Coordinator
Text the following number: (513) 207-4224
Email: Debra_Walker@TriHealth.com
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education – Prehospital Stroke Care – 3/07/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education – Posterior Strokes – 4/04/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education – Stroke Centers – 6/6/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education – Stroke Mimics – 8/1/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education – Falls and Strokes – 9/6/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education - Pre-Hospital Seizure Education - 10/3/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education - Hemorrhagic Stroke - 11/7/2024
TriHealth Neuroscience EMS Education - Stroke Case Reviews - 12/5/2024