Check out the recent clip from WKRC Local 12 and Liz Bonis on how the Cancer Wellness Program at TriHealth Fitness and Health Pavillion works to help lower risk of cancer and help in cancer recovery.
Exercise is a great way to help increase energy levels, strength and cardiovascular endurance and is important to overall good health. Evidence has shown that becoming a regular exerciser can reduce the risk of recurrence with some types of cancer. This program is designed to help you get started (or restarted) on a path to good health through regular exercise.
What Is It: Two classes per week for 12 weeks for an hour of exercise. The exercise sessions will be a combination of cardio, strength and flexibility exercises.
Who Is Eligible: Any cancer patient that is currently undergoing treatment or has finished treatment in the past year.
When does it start: You can start the program at any time. Let us know when you are ready to start and we will help you find the class time that will work for you. Classes will be available mornings, afternoons and evenings.
Is there a cost: There is no cost to the participant as the program is sponsored by generous contributions to the Cancer Wellness fund from the Bethesda Foundation
Where is the program: Classes take place at the TriHealth Fitness & Health Pavilion on Pfeiffer Rd. in Blue Ash.
How do I get started: Contact Karen Sims at 246-2622 or
Physician clearance is required to participate in this program.
"It is clear that one of the things that people who are going through cancer treatment or have recently finished really want is a way to feel better without taking one more pill. The TriHealth Cancer Wellness Program allows these individuals a chance to decrease their fatigue, pain, nausea, depression and sleep difficulties through exercise. And a happy side effect of this program is the opportunity for cancer patients and survivors to support each other while learning how to get healthy and decrease their risk of recurrence." -Lynne Brophy, Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist
"Research supports the fact that it is time to fight cancer and prevent recurrence through the adoption of healthy behaviors. Our Cancer Wellness Program is fun and an easy way to begin planning for a healthy future. With regard to cancer and many chronic diseases, there is no question that exercise is medicine."
-Tom Arnold, ACSM/ACS Cancer Exercise Trainer
Get more information about cancer treatment at the TriHealth Cancer Institute
Fitness 513 246 2640
Personal Training 513 246 2645