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Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Lymphedema Program

From a comprehensive fitness program to manual lymph drainage, the Lymphedema Program at TriHealth offers a full range of services for everyone. Our highly trained team works closely with you and your physician to design a coordinated, individualized plan of care that meets your specific needs.

Our Comprehensive Lymphedema Treatment Plan

We use a comprehensive, research-based treatment approach that may include any or a combination of the following:

  • Evaluation to determine the proper course of treatment
  • Manual lymph drainage to drain the lymph fluid from the affected limb using the superficial lymph vessels with a non-invasive therapy technique
  • Comprehensive bandaging of the affected limb to reduce the protein-rich fluid in the swollen tissues
  • Comprehensive fitness program, including instruction in flexibility, strengthening and aerobic activities to enhance the lymph drainage
  • Assistance in selecting equipment/supplies to maintain a therapeutic home program
  • Follow-up treatment with evaluations at scheduled intervals to reassess needs as conditions may change

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is chronic swelling in a portion of the body (usually an arm or leg) due to accumulation of lymph fluid (protein and water) in the tissue spaces. It occurs as a result of obstruction of venous and/or lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes.

What Happens If Lymphedema is Left Untreated?

If left untreated, it creates an environment of stagnant, protein-rich fluid causing lymph channels to increase in size and number. It reduces oxygen tension throughout the transport system, interferes with wound healing, and provides an environment for bacteria, increasing the potential for infection. If the condition of swelling and inflammation persists, the tissue eventually thickens and hardens. This leads to decreased active motion, which will reduce functional use of the arm or leg and can intensify the problem.

Good Samaritan Hospital Balance Vestibular and Fall Reduction Rehab
375 Dixmyth Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45220
Call 513 862 3475
TriHealth Fitness amp Health Pavilion Aquatic Therapy
6200 Pfeifer Road, Suite 370
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Call 513 985 6750