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Breast Ultrasound and MRI

The Mary Jo Cropper Family Center for Breast Care offers a variety of screening tools – including the breast ultrasound and MRI – to further evaluate breast abnormalities. There is no radiation to the patient during either of these non-invasive procedures. 

Breast Ultrasound

This exam uses high frequency sound waves to look inside and produce pictures of the breast. Breast ultrasound is useful in defining the characteristics of a lump felt during a breast exam to determine if the lump is a cyst or solid mass that might require a biopsy. Breast ultrasound can also help assess an abnormality found on a screening mammogram or MRI to see if the suspicious area is a cyst or solid mass.

Breast MRI

This is a non-invasive exam that uses a powerful magnetic field to help create three-dimensional pictures of the inside of the breast. These pictures can be examined on a computer monitor. There is no radiation to the patient undergoing breast MRI.

The exam can provide important information about breast conditions that may or may not be available with mammography or breast ultrasound. Breast MRI can be helpful to:

  • Determine the full extent of malignant disease in the affected and opposite breast in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
  • Identify early breast cancer in high risk patients and patients with dense breasts
  • Further evaluate abnormalities incompletely assessed on ultrasound and mammography
  • Assess the effectiveness of chemotherapy
  • Determine the integrity of breast implants
Mammography Scheduling Number
Schedule a mammogram 513 569 6777
Mary Jo Cropper Family Center for Breast Care
10506A Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Call 513 865 1344

Scheduling 513 569 6777