Doctors of internal medicine focus on adult medicine and have had special study and training focusing on the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. At least three of their seven or more years of medical school and postgraduate training are dedicated to learning how to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases that affect adults. (America College of Physicians)
Internists are equipped to deal with whatever problem a patient brings—no matter how common or rare, or how simple or complex. They are specially trained to solve puzzling diagnostic problems and can handle severe chronic illnesses and situations where several different illnesses may strike at the same time. They also bring to patients an understanding of wellness (disease prevention and the promotion of health), women's health, substance abuse, mental health, as well as effective treatment of common problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs. (American College of Physicians)
While we accept most major insurances, please call to confirm we do accept your insurance provider.
All of our doctors see adult patients (over 15 years of age). If you are interested in learning more about which physician will best fit your and your family's needs, please call your local OIM office.
Definitely. Our Oxford office is conveniently located uptown, easily accessible from on and off campus housing. We also offer a private lot with free parking. Call (513) 523-4195 to schedule your first appointment.
If you take your medications on a daily or regular basis, please call your pharmacy. Allow 24-48 hours for all prescription refills. If you have taken a prescription in the past and are interested in restarting the medication, call the office to find out if the doctor will reorder it for you or if you will need to come in for a visit before receiving a new prescription.
Our practice cares for patients for as long as we can, which includes after transitions to new living arrangements. We work closely with area facilities to ensure all of our patients continue to receive the best care.