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Cincinnati Urogynecology Associates

What to Expect on Your First Visit

What to Expect on Your First Visit

Before your first visit:
You’ll receive a packet of information to complete before your first visit. This packet contains directions to our office locations, basic registration forms, medical history form, and symptom diaries. Please fill them out and bring them in to your first visit. This is done so you can spend time in our office directly interacting with our physicians and staff. The forms assist our physicians and staff in planning for your visit.

During your first visit:
Your first visit will last approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours.  A  member of our clinical team will take and record vital signs while the physician reviews the packet that you completed. One of our physicians will then meet with you to discuss your packet, medical history, reasons for the visit, significant problems or symptoms that you are having, and how any problems or symptoms affect your quality of life.

If you have incontinence, prolapse, or bladder issues:
After talking with the physician, you will be instructed to use the restroom (in the exam room) and undress for an exam. This exam is similar to the exam by your gynecologist. Our specialist is looking for physical changes that may have caused your symptoms.

Typically, a bladder test is done to understand the scope and origin of your symptoms. The bladder test generally takes approximately 15-20 minutes and will provide a measurement of your bladder function. Once the test is completed, the physician will review all of the findings from your exam and bladder testing. A course of treatment will then be defined. It might include physical therapy, medication, other testing, and/or surgery, depending on the severity of your symptoms. 


New patient registration

Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Medical History Forms

Online Resources:

Cincinnati Urogynecology Associates - Phone
Call (513) 463-4300
Fax (513) 463-4310