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TriHealth Orthopedic & Sports Institute

The Day of Surgery

Patient Registration

Upon arrival, check in at the registration desk, where our receptionist will need to copy your insurance card. You will be given financial and consent forms for surgery. After you review them, you will be asked to sign the forms. At the time, please let the receptionist know if you need a return to work form.

Before Your Procedure

A staff member will escort you into the pre-operative area, where you will change into a gown. The pre-operative nurse will verify your procedure, discuss your medical history and take your pulse, temperature, respiration and blood pressure. Inform the nurse of any significant changes in your health occurring after your phone interview with the pre-admission nurse. The nurse will start an IV, and a member of the anesthesia staff will meet with you.

Your Procedure

After you’re prepared for surgery, and when the physician is ready, an operating room nurse will again verify your procedure and escort you to the operating room where you will be positioned on the OR bed. Monitoring equipment will be applied. You will see your physician prior to receiving anesthesia. Once your procedure is completed, you will be moved to a recovery room.


The staff in the recovery room will monitor you according to the anesthesia you have received. You may remain on the stretcher or go directly to a lounge chair. At this time, our staff will provide measures to assist you in your comfort and recovery. These may include pain medication, ice to the operative area and nourishment. When appropriate, whoever has accompanied you to the Center will be brought back to join you. The recovery room nurse will give you a copy of your post-operative instructions and your prescriptions. She will review them with you prior to discharge.

Getting Home

You MUST arrange for someone to drive you home following surgery. If you do not have this transportation, your procedure will be canceled. (Taxi transportation is allowed only for patients having local anesthesia or for those accompanied by an escort.)