To prepare for your TriHealth volunteer experience, all applicants must complete the listed requirements:
- Complete an online application here.
- Sign required documents. Print and upload with your application or bring with you to Orientation.
- Attend in-person Orientation at Bethesda North or Good Samaritan Hospitals; sessions are 3 hours, typically offered twice a month. You may attend Orientation at either location to volunteer across the system. (This does not include Hospice of Cincinnati or McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital. Please contact these locations directly to volunteer.
- Online Learning Modules You are welcome to work ahead and complete these online learning modules prior to orientation. Make sure to print completion certificates to provide Volunteer Services; these are not automatically sent to our offices. Certificates must have the name of the course, your name, and the date of completion. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance.
Required Training:
Recommended Training:
- Medical Requirements: All volunteers will work through Employee Health to obtain medical clearance at no charge to you. We require proof of 2 MMR vaccinations (Measles, Mumps, & Rubella), 2 Varicella immunizations or proof of having had chickenpox, a 2-step TB skin test or a TB blood test (T-SPOT or QFT) within the last 12 months and the annual flu vaccine during flu season. If you have not had recent TB testing, this will be provided at no cost if completed through Employee Health at Bethesda North (513) 865-1152 or Good Samaritan (513) 862-2857. You can work ahead by obtaining a copy of your immunization records and contacting an Employee Health location to schedule your appointment. If you do not have a copy of your immunizations, this is not a barrier to volunteer. Employee Health will work with you on your clearance by obtaining blood titers to check for immunity.
This step is not required to attend orientation.
- Security Clearance: The hospital provides this service at no charge to you. You will receive instructions at Orientation regarding steps to take for your security clearance.
Orientations sessions are designed to be respectful of your time. You will have the opportunity to ask all questions about specific roles, typical schedules, and open opportunities. If you choose to continue the process after attending orientation, our team will guide you through the onboarding process and placement.
Student Volunteers: 15+
Student Volunteering provides a valuable opportunity for high school and college students to gain experience, develop skills, and make a positive impact in their communities. Our program is structured into three cohorts - Fall, Spring and Summer - to accommodate busy academic schedules while ensuring that students gain meaningful experiences while serving consistently within the TriHealth system.
Fall and Spring cohorts - students are required to commit to a minimum of 40 hours, typically serving once a week. Summer cohorts - students are required to commit to a minimum of 35 hours. We understand that students may have conflicts due to holidays or other obligations; therefore, exceptions can be made for pre-approved dates to miss.
Fall Cohort: Volunteer September - December; onboarding steps must be completed by September 1.
Spring Cohort: Volunteer January - April; onboarding steps must be completed by January 6.
Summer Cohort: Volunteer June-August; onboarding steps must be completed by June 1.
NEW! Online orientation option for students. Complete orientation in December, to be ready to serve in January. Available online orientation dates are listed in the application.
Additional Applications for Non-Patient Facing Volunteer Options
Orientation is not required for Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), Crafters, and Non-Patient Facing volunteers. Please complete the correct form below and follow the instructions for your next steps for registering.
Crafter Registration
Non-Patient Facing Application
Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Application