Welcome to TriHealth’s Better Living site. The materials found here are designed to help you learn about and practice skills which can improve the quality of your life.
These exercises and skills are based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, whose goals are helping individuals learn to accept and live with the full range of human emotions.
Some skills may be familiar, such as mindfulness or deep breathing to quiet and relax your body, and some skills may be new, such as managing unhelpful thinking styles. We are all unique. It’s important to find what works for you and to practice those skills frequently. This will help to lower your baseline of difficult feelings and unhelpful thoughts as well as assure you have the tools you need when you need them.
In a crisis or emergency, you may need additional help. Contact your primary care physician or a behavioral health professional. If you feel suicidal, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Download our workshops here:
Holiday Stress Workshop
Sleep Workshop
Mindfulness Full Workshop
Eating Patterns
Managing Caregiver Stress
In addition to these resources, here are some apps and websites you can explore to build your toolbox.