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TriHealth Hatton Research Institute

Clinical Trials

doctor and patient

The TriHealth Hatton Research Institute plays an important role in the pursuit of knowledge. Through academic research and national and international clinical research trials, staff physicians and surgeons, teaching faculty, and residents ask important questions and pursue answers that can improve the health status of the people we serve.

Sponsored clinical trials are research studies that test the value and effectiveness of new and promising drugs, therapies, and technologies.  They are typically designed and funded by government or industry.  Sponsored clinical trials allow a hospital's physicians and surgeons to participate in groundbreaking research and be among the first to employ medical innovations for the benefit of their patients. Participating hospitals enroll eligible patients, conduct the study according to a very specific plan, collect data, and submit data to the sponsor agencies.  With assistance from the TriHealth Hatton Research Institute, TriHealth continues to secure participation in diverse sponsored clinical trials, and thus contribute to the advancement of knowledge that generates new treatments.

Bethesda North Hospital
10496 Montgomery Road Suite 103
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Good Samaritan Hospital
375 Dixmyth Ave., Level 11 J
Cincinnati, OH 45220