Discuss your upcoming procedure with your physician. The prospect of surgery can be stressful; we want you to know what to expect.
A nurse from the Center staff will call to discuss any existing medical condition and/or current medications that you may be taking. She will give you instructions to follow. It is important for the comfort and success of your surgery that you do so. If you do not receive a phone call, please call us at 513 961-7740 at least 24 hours prior to surgery.
You will receive anesthesia instructions to follow. Again, it is important for the success of your surgery that you do so.
Parent(s) or legal guardian must accompany patients under the age of 18. They are required to stay at the Center during surgery and recovery. Parents will be asked to remain in the waiting area while the child is prepared for surgery. Prior to surgery, they will be able to join their child once he/she is ready.