From emergency care to priority care to any number of specialists, you have many choices when deciding on how to receive your medical care. When it comes to maintaining or improving your overall health, however, having a connection with a primary care practitioner (PCP), is your best option.
“A primary care practitioner is more than a provider.” says Patrick Reilly, MD, with TriHealth’s White Oak Family Practice. “Think of a PCP as a partner in achieving your optimal health – a partner who knows your medical history and one whom you have the ability to select based on your individual needs.”
Here are four benefits of partnering with a PCP:
Your primary care PCP is uniquely positioned to help you avoid health problems. Based on the examination and your medical history, he or she can determine whether you’re at increased risk for conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and then help you take steps to prevent them from developing.
Regular checkups and contact with a single practitioner make it more likely that any health issues will be detected early when they’re most treatable.
Having a PCP who has seen you for everything from bellyaches to immunizations to blood-pressure control means having a health resource who knows your history. When you have an appointment, you don’t have to explain your family’s history of heart disease or provide your current list of medications—it’s all in your record already.
With a PCP, you will receive a wide variety of health services including preventive care, management of chronic conditions, and acute care for problems such as cough, digestive issues, and high fever. At TriHealth, you and all your physicians stay connected through our electronic medical records system.
To help with your search for a provider, you can utilize an online directory of primary care providers, or you can call us at (513) 853-2100.